Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring is HERE!

Spring finally arrived in Minneapolis and EVERYONE is happy (except for maybe the people that are trapped inside of an office all day). Minnesotans are possibly the most grateful people for 70-degree weather in the UNIVERSE. We enjoy every moment of warmth and sunshine and people aren’t hesitating to put on their bathing suits and bask in the glory of the sun.

Winter is so long and cold here and never fails to make me ask, “Why on earth do I live here?” Then spring comes and washes any cold memories away, making Minneapolis one of the greatest places to live. My life suddenly fills up with gorgeous flowers, gardening, bike rides, long walks, feeding ducks with my Sofia, swimming in kiddy pools, playgrounds, bar-b-ques, and farmer’s markets…and I am so HAPPY.


Jenny Moline said...

These are gorgeous!! When I opened your blog and saw the flowers on top I was in awe.

Michelle Lynn said...

These are so beautiful...they are from your garden out front right? I also love your new banner. LOVELY!