Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Environmentally Friendly Design

Copyright 2007 Jessica Wood

It is a goal of mine to design products keeping mother nature in mind. When possible, I turn to marketing through the Internet, rather than sending out printed materials. If a brochure, business card, photograph, direct mailer, poster, or any other collateral must be printed, I urge the client to print on recycled papers. I also am beginning to learn about the use of soy inks vs. traditional petroleum based inks, which have a much greater mpact on the environment.

Not only do I practice "being green" in my design life, but I also practice it at home. Although I am far from perfect, I learn a new way to be less wasteful every day. One helpful tip that I would like to suggest is calling the companies that send you loads of junk mail every day. It is pretty simple. Just open up the envelope from the credit card company and call the 1-800 number on the advertisement. Tell the operator that you would like them to stop sending you junk mail and they will take you off their mailing list. This usually takes about 5 minutes, but will make a huge impact in the long run.

If you are interested, my mother-in-law just purchased a really great book for me called, "The Green Guide." It is full of great suggestions. I would love to loan it to you! We could start a book exchange. We would all save money and make a step toward saving our planet.

Please see the attached article about the use of soy ink

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